Care Delivery – Lynda


Lynda talks about CardioMEMs – a device that remotely monitors for HF.


Actually, when I was in heart failure they called me to Vancouver and asked if I would be willing to have what’s called a CardioMEMS put into my heart. Regardless, it’s like a paperclip and they insert it in, in through the vein and into your heart. And every morning I’d get up and I would lay on this box that was like a pillow and I pressed a button and it read all my pressures. Pressures have to do with your water retention and, or how much water is on you. And the critical thing about that was medication, by the time you figured out what medication, you’re behind. The CardioMEMS, it was satellite based and the results of that went directly to the doctor, right to his, his iPhone. So, what they would do is they’d take a quick look. The nurse would then phone me and said, ‘Lynda, you need to up, you need to up your Prednisone or you need to up this.’ Like your Furosemide or Bumetanide. So, we were ahead of it. So, I was really lucky to have that. Because I could, I felt more comfortable to go away for, like just even 100 miles away.

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